The CDC Says Coronavirus Doesn't Spread Easily On Contaminated Surfaces!

If you've been constantly wiping down groceries, packages, and surfaces because of the coronavirus pandemic, the CDC released new information. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the past has always said that the coronavirus can live/spread on surfaces and packages. However, now they're saying the virus “does not spread easily” from "touching surfaces or objects." Experts are saying that this doesn't mean that you should stop taking "practical and realistic" precautions in stopping the spread of coronavirus. While it's still unclear exactly when the CDC changed their guidelines from March to now, the change of wording is now saying that it "may be possible to spread the virus from contaminated surfaces." They also put "surfaces or objects" under a section that says that coronavirus does not readily transmit.

Does this make you feel a bit better knowing that coronavirus doesn't spread easily on contaminated surfaces?

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