Sisters have been sending same birthday card to each other for 24 years!

Two sisters have been sending the same birthday card back to each other for 24 years!

My friend Donna and her sister Terri (they asked to keep their last names private) started what has now become a tradition back in 1996 when both ladies lived in Wisconsin.

"Terri was 'Green' before it was cool to be 'Green" Donna said of her sister who is 18 months older than her. "She would harp on me to recycle."

Donna found the cute Peanuts themed card that read:

'Happy Birthday - To a sis who's intelligent, attractive, clever, and fun to be with!'

On the inside of the card it read:

'Save this card! You can send it back to me on my birthday!'

Donna felt the verbiage on the card was perfect for having fun with her sister's love of recycling, but Terri took it to heart and the tradition was born!

For 24 years now they have sent the card back to each other every year, crossing off each other's names with sticky note additions of new messages each birthday.

Donna now lives in Atlanta, Georgia while Terri now resides in North Michigan.

"The card has been through eight moves to three different states." Donna said. The notes pertain to life events with family or just fun messages. They have added so many notes over the years that they had to add extra postage to the card. At some point it became even too big for that so they have put the notes on paper and scanned the messages to keep them.

They have 5 children between them and one of the daughters found the card this year and posted the story on Tik-Tok . It instantly went viral gathering 56k views in just 8 hours!

Today it has topped over 500,000 views! You can follow her @kellyjeanlikesgreenbeans and watch below

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