Randoms-Your Phone is Changing Shape of Your Brain, Wine Prices Dropping

Something to wine about …Wine prices are expected to drop to a five-year low this year. The reason? A surplus of California grapes -- as well as less demand. Millennials are drinking less overall – but also drinking less wine, opting for premium spirits and craft beer. But if you are a wine fan … this is a good time to grab some premium wines – at an affordable price. (Business Insider)

Is your phone changing your brain? Researchers found that being addicted to your smartphone actually changes the shape and size of your brain – similar to the way the brain of a drug addict changes. (Daily Mail)

Seems living by the golden rule can also make you live longer …Being kind to others doesn’t just make the people you’re kind to happier – it also makes you happier … and healthier. Scientists call it “Helpers High.” When you help others, feel-good chemicals are released that not only make you happier, they make you more relaxed, reduce pain, help you heal faster and even reduce blood pressure. (Indy 100)

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