Randoms-New Dating Catch Phrases, Number One Inspiration on getting in Gym

Is there something that would make you exercise? A new survey found that 92% of respondents say they would work out if they had this one thing. Can you guess what it is? Nope, it’s not time … or exercise equipment … or six-pack abs. Believe it or not, the one thing respondents claim would get them to exercise is workout clothes they actually like. In fact, 70% say they worry that others would judge them for not having the right clothes for the gym. 67% say their current active-wear is lacking. (SWNS)

Do you pee in the shower?If you don’t, you’re in the minority ... at least according to a new survey. Yep, a new survey out of the UK found that 76% of those polled said they peed in the shower. (Health)

New year, new decade, new dating trends. Forget ghosting, here are the new dating terms you need to know for 2020:

  • Dial-toning: When you give someone your number, they reach out … and you never reply.
  • Yellow carding: When you call out a date for bad behavior, a questionable view, or general rudeness.
  • White Clawing: Staying with someone who you find attractive but otherwise boring.
  • Glamboozled: When you get ready to go out, only to get a text from your date asking you to cancel or reschedule.
  • Fleabagging: Always dating the wrong type of person for you.
  • Cause-playing: When a former date contacts you well after you’ve stopped seeing each other to ask for an unrelated favor. (Twitter)

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