One In Four People Have Hidden From Family During Thanksgiving

Ah, the joys of Thanksgiving - time for good food, family, and... well, for some people HIDING from their families.

Yes, apparently ONE in FOUR people actually spend time on their Thanksgiving HIDING from their family members while at a relative's home. And while I get it can all be a bit much - especially when they all want to know when you're going to start dating someone, when you'll get married, or when the babies are arriving - I definitely don't think I'm one who would ever find myself hiding during the holidays.

It's all just too much fun!

But here's the deal - a survey conducted by Motel 6 revealed that people will truly hide for some brief relief from their families during the holidays. 2,000 Americans who are traveling for the holidays to visit family were surveyed and it was found that in addition to finding a quiet space — the guest room, the garage, the pantry in a pinch — 37 percent of participants admitted to making up a reason to leave the house all together.

Leaving the house makes more sense than hiding out in the pantry, if you ask me, unless it's freezing outside and you can't use the whole "go for a walk" excuse.

What's also interesting is that people will spend an average of 4.3 hours traveling to their holiday destination... but once they get there, they can only spend so much time actually celebrating the holiday with their family all in one place. The survey says that people generally enjoy just under 4 hours of the holiday... and then it's time to wrap it up and get on home, or to whatever place they're staying for the night.

Family can be a LOT, but I think we should all embrace them more around the holidays and realize that there's only so many times a year that everyone gets together to celebrate! Enjoy it as much as you can!

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Photo: Getty Images

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