Most SInful Cities in America!

The website WalletHub just ranked the 182 biggest cities in the country from most sinful to least sinful. And they did it based on different stats that correspond to the seven deadly sins . . .

1. Lust: Strip clubs per capita, Tinder users, and porn searches on Google.

2. Gluttony: Obesity rate, fast food joints per capita, binge drinking, DUIs, smokers, marijuana use, and drug overdoses.

3. Greed: Casinos, gambling addiction rates, and charitable giving.

4. Sloth: Exercise rates, volunteering, and average time spent watching TV.

5. Wrath: Violent crimes, assaults, hate crimes, and shootings.

6. Envy: Theft, identity theft, and fraud.

7. Pride: Beauty and tanning salons per capita, and plastic surgery Google searches.

So based on all of that, the most sinful cities in the U.S. are . . .

1. Las Vegas.

2. Los Angeles.

3. St. Louis.

4. Houston.

5. Atlanta.

6. Philadelphia.

7. Chicago.

8. New York City.

9. Miami.

10. Denver.

And the least sinful cities are: Pearl City, Hawaii . . . South Burlington, Vermont . . . Chesapeake, Virginia . . . Virginia Beach, Virginia . . . and Port St. Lucie, Florida. 


(Here's the list of all 182 cities.)

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