Randoms-Spare time we actually Have, "Baby it's Cold Outside" gets Makeover

How often do you say you just don’t have time to exercise? Well, chances are you do. A new study found that the average American actually has about five hours of free time every day (though the study found that men have more free time than women each day). So what are we doing with those five hours? Staring at screens. Yep, we waste our free time watching TV and looking at our phones and other devices. Breaking it down, the research found that men spent just 6.6% of their free time working out, while women spend about 5% of their free time on exercise.

How much do you waste on fad diets every year? According to a new survey, 90% of respondents who tried a new diet spent about $160 in the past year on products that either didn’t work or didn’t give them the results they were hoping for. If you try a lot of fad diets, that can add up to more than $9,000 over the course of a lifetime. (SWNS)

  • Have you tried a fad diet that actually worked? Are tou still eating this way?

The holidays are coming …And “Baby It’s Cold Outside” is getting a makeover. The popular but controversial song is getting some less creepy lyrics in a new duet byJohn Legend and Kelly Clarkson. (Pop Sugar)


A woman tried to avoid the extra baggage fee on a flight by stuffing her shirt with extra clothing and even a laptop and tried to pass it off as if she was pregnant.She almost got away with… until she got on the plane and dropped her boarding pass. When she bent over to pick it up, her laptop shifted and gave her deception away. She ended up paying the fee. (MSN)

So …Have you ever pretended to be pregnant to get something or get away with something?

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