Watch Tim McGraw and Blanco Brown Duet On "Don't Take The Girl"

Tim McGraw said, “I saw a story recently about Blanco Brown growing up in Atlanta, spending summers in the country with his mom and aunty. He mentioned that “Don’t Take The Girl” was one of the first country songs he was turned on to.  When I heard our paths were finally gonna cross in Australia, I reached out…and this is how it went…. I’m a fan.”

After the duet, Blanco explained “I never knew what the song meant,” Brown explains at the end of the clip about this particular song. “Then, after I reviewed it again and listened over and over, I was like ‘Oh, this song is so deep and full of purpose.’ And then I decided to make my whole life about purpose, and [not letting] my street circumstances be my reality. And it all started with Tim.”

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