Randoms-Talk like a Pirate & Hug your Boss Day, Surgery for Resting B Face


  • Talk Like a Pirate Day ... Arrrgh!

Hug Your Boss Day

Trending on Twitter …#AFirstDateBecomesTheLastWhen

  • So ... What are your first date deal breakers?

Have you heard of the carnivore diet? This new diet trend consists of meat and, well, meat. Yep, meat, eggs, fish, dairy and cheese – no grains, no veggies, no beans and no fruit. Basically no carbs.Sounds like a lot of meat sweats …(MindBodyGreen)

  • Paleo, Keto, Plant-based, Carnivore ... Have you adopted a diet/lifestyle and stuck with it? What made you choose this way of eating? Any great successes? Epic failures? Health issues?

Big dogs …A new Danish study has found that overweight people are more likely to have overweight dogs. According to researchers, there’s a pretty simple reason why: Because they are more likely to give them lots of treats – including bites of whatever they are eating. “…For example, when a person is relaxing on the couch and shares the last bites of a sandwich or a cookie with their dog," study author Charlotte Bjornvad said. (IB Times)

So this is a thing …Apparently women are seeking out plastic surgery … to get rid of their “resting ‘b’ face” – or RBF. According to surgeons, women are getting fillers and Botox in an effort to make them seem more “approachable.” (NY Post)

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