Bizarre Suspects Suggested in Oregon Cattle Mutilation Case

A puzzling cattle mutilation case that occurred in Oregon earlier this summer continues to confound authorities, who have received a number of bizarre suggestions for what could have been behind the carnage. Back in late July, five bulls were found having died under strange circumstances at the Silvies Valley Ranch in the city of Seneca. The unfortunate animals were seemingly killed in an instant and had their tongues as well as genitals removed with what was described as surgical precision, conjuring comparisons to the mysterious cattle mutilation phenomenon.

This was echoed at the time by chief investigator Dan Jenkins of the Harney County Sheriff’s Office, who mused that "whenever there's a case like this, all the conspiracy theorists come out." With two months having passed since the odd incident, it would seem that the officer's observation was rather prescient as his office has been inundated with callers offering a wide range of fantastic ideas for how and why the cattle could have been killed.

Learn what weird and unexpected groups or entities have been blamed by concerned citizens for the mutilations at the Coast to Coast AM website.

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