Randoms-Peak Age for Adventure, New Omni Calculator Tracks time on Social

At what age do you think you are the most adventurous? According to a new survey, “peak adventurousness” occurs at the age of 34. (The Ladders)

  • What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?
  • Do you admit that you have NEVER done anything that takes you out of your comfort zone? Any reason why?
  • What is something you really want to do … but are too afraid to?

Want to read more or exercise more, but say you have no time? There’s something called the Omni Calculator, which can let you know exactly how many books you could read or how fit you could become … in the time you spend on social media. You just put in the number of times you go on social media during the day, and the average time of each visit. The calculator then tells you how long you're spending on social media, and then translates those hours to all of the other things you could have done instead – like how many calories you could have burned, or how many books you could have read, or how could have learned a new hobby or skill. (Bustle)

Getting her money’s worth …A woman in the UK got married last month – and she’s pretty much been wearing her wedding dress ever since. “I have cooked, cleaned and even done a bit of carpentry in it,” says Dawn Winfield-Hunt. “Usually you only get to wear your dress once and then you put it in a box and forget about it,” she says. “But I liked mine and decided to wear it the following day for a BBQ with friends and everyone loved it.” Since then she’s worn it to a bar, a festival and even while paddle boarding. Dawn says she even has a “bucket list” of activities she wants to do while wearing her dress. (NY Post)

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