Alien Contactee Group in Thailand Encounters Trouble with Authorities

In a bizarre story out of Thailand, a colorful group of alleged alien contactees had their meditation center raided twice in the last week by irritated authorities. The organization 'UFO Khao Kala' reportedly caught the attention of cops when they announced plans for a skywatching event this coming weekend at their proverbial hilltop headquarters in the province of Nakhon Sawan. The site is known in Thailand as a UFO hot spot and serves at the centerpiece for the fantastic backstory of the group.

According to UFO Khao Kala lore, it was there that their founder Somjit Reapeth first encountered an extraterrestrial race back in 1998. Her story and purported ability to communicate with these beings via meditation ultimately led her to form the UFO organization. Reapeth and her most trusted followers contend that they are in contact with ETs originating from, of all places, Pluto and that they've been told that World War III will begin in the year 2022.

Sporting a giant golden statue of Buddha alongside a seven-headed snake sculpture and said to sit atop of wormhole that is used by aliens to visit Earth, the UFO Khao Kala Meditation Center hosts human visitors from around the world and is the setting for a number of events organized by the group. Such was to be the plan this coming Saturday, when the cadre of UFO believers hoped to celebrate Reapeth's birthday at the site with a gathering aimed at spotting UFOs and possibly connecting with the ETs.

Alas, despite UFO Khao Kala being a fairly well-known presence in the area, something about this proposed event seems to have irked local authorities as a sizeable team of police officers and park rangers paid a pair of surprise visits to the meditation center this week. More on this very strange story at the Coast to Coast AM website.

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