Randoms-Simple Steps to Live Longer, New Trend: "MobileMoon"


How important is having a good neighbor? According to a new survey, it’s pretty important. In fact, on average, renters said they would pay an extra $225 a month if they could pick their neighbors. And homeowners surveyed said they would pay an extra $125 a month to make sure they had the right neighbor. (The Ladders)

So …let’s hear about your neighbors.

  • Do you have a great neighbor or a neighbor from hell? If it’s the latter, what’s the worst thing your neighbor has ever done?
  • Have you actually moved because of a neighbor?

Liar, liar …According to a new survey, people who are unhappy with their job are more likely to tell lies at the office. 41% of respondents said they are not satisfied at work -- and admit to telling at least one lie a week. The most common lies these unhappy employees tell end up getting them out of work. They either pretend to be sick or make up some other fake excuse to keep them as far away from their co-workers as possible, either during working hours or after. (WTVD-TV)

Well here’s an easy way to live longer …Eat apples and drink tea every day. A new study found that eating foods rich in flavonoids -- like apples, blueberries and broccoli -- and beverages such as tea, can lower your risk of developing cancer and heart disease. (Study Finds)

Have you heard of a mobilemoon? Basically, it’s a solo vacation – with your phone for company. The term and trend came from an Expedia survey last month which asked if people would rather take their phone on vacation than a friend or partner. 33% chose their phone – and Expedia dubbed the trend a “mobilemoon” and quickly tied it to their app. (Travel & Leisure)

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