Flat Earth Fan to Launch Himself in Homemade Rocket Again

Daredevil and Flat Earth enthusiast 'Mad' Mike Hughes hopes to once again take to the skies inside of a homemade rocket at a launch scheduled for next weekend. The 'self-taught rocket scientist' made worldwide headlines last year when, after a series of failed attempts, he successfully soared nearly 2,000 feet into the air via a steam-powered craft that he built himself in an attempt to prove that the planet is flat.

Having come away from the stunt largely unscathed, Hughes reportedly plans to up the proverbial ante with another launch later this month in which he will try and reach a height of 5,000 feet using a modified version of the steam-powered rocket that worked so well last year. Much like the problems that befell his quest back in 2018, however, the event had originally been planned for this past Sunday, but was scrubbed and subsequently rescheduled for Saturday, August 17th due to issues surrounding a heater on the rocket that is necessary to produce the steam power.

More on this very bizarre story, including when we'll likely be able to see the launch, at the Coast to Coast AM website.

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