Kirsten Dunst Says Working Is Easier Than Being A Stay At Home Mom

You may be wondering what Kirsten Dunst has been up to, and the truth is: a whoooole lot.

While she has been busy working on her upcoming Showtime show, On Becoming a God In Central Florida, Kirsten has also been busy with the most important job of all: being a mom.

While attending the Television Critics Association Summer 2019 Press Tour, Kirsten opened up about her new role as a mom and how she balances motherhood and working, noting that one is muuuch easier than the other.

When asked about what it has been like since welcoming her son Ennis in May 2018, she told reporters that she is "tired all the time" (same, girl!)

Kirsten then explained, "also doing the show too, it’s so much easier to go back to work than it is to be a stay at home mom... I was like, ‘bye’ to my mother-in-law [who watches her son while she’s at work]! I was like, [phew!]”

Obviously she is kidding around about being happy to leave her son, but I absolutely know how she feels! Staying home with the kids definitely gets exhausting, and when you have a moment of help with them, it feels great.

I give SO much credit to moms who stay at home with their little ones. It really is the hardest job out there.

Kirsten shares her son with fellow actor, and finace, Jesse Plemons. She was back at work within 6 months of giving birth, and says that playing her character Krystal in her now show was the "hardest" thing she could have done right after having a baby, but that it was the "perfect time frame."

She also shared, “I had family and friends to help me.”

I cannot agree more than family and friends are the greatest help when you're a new mom. Motherhood is tricky, but so, so beautiful. And it's incredible to get the help from those around you on the days that feel like you'll never reach bed time.

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Photo: Getty Images

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