STRIP CLUB FURNITURE: Anyone want some USED, FREE furniture from the CLUB??

Free. Furniture. For the taking.

No doubt you saw the story yesterday... a STRIP CLUB was giving away furniture to anyone who wanted to come and take it.

Clearly... the jokes started flying... but it got me wondering... would you take the STRIP CLUB FURNITURE? Yes? No?

Ways you know your FURNITURE is from the STRIP CLUB:

It only looks good in black lighting

You feel like you’re laying on a petri dish

It smells like Rum, Cigarettes and G-String

You found pasties and high heels between the cushions

There’s 5000-dollars in liquor stains on it

Your tinder date told you that couch put her through college

Your perverted uncle recognized it immediately

You have bachelor party flash backs when you sit on it

The words “Crazy Horse” are carved into it

It looks like a prop from a Motely Crue video

It has a pole coming out of it

Even your dog gets grossed out sitting on it

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