Dad Jumps Into a Pool To Save His Toddler And It Will Leave You Speechless!

There's that rule about having a gate around the pool to make sure your children don't accidentally fall in, but accidents can still happen.

This father, Albert Paasavanti, wants to send out a PSA after this 18 month old son fell into the pool.

Albert posted his family's Nest cam video on Facebook knowing he'd have a lot of people making comments, but he wants people to be more aware of their children by the pool this summer if they turn their backs for a split second.

The camera shows Albert and his brother watching the baby when he starts walking around the pool attempting to reach for an inflatable ball.

The second the baby fell in the pool, Albert started running and doing a swan dive over the gate to save his son.

Luckily, everyone was okay!

You can check out the video below and it will truly leave you holding your breath:

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