#ReadThisFIRST: Here comes the stuff... that isn't really fluff, but stuff!

Welcome to a new day, you guys... since you've made the choice to #ReadThisFIRST, I'll just go ahead and get right to your #CopyAndPaste roundup!

  • Summer Solstice: The first day of summer!
  • National Seashell Day: A great day to go to the beach.
  • National Take Your Dog to Work Day: A great day to take your dog to work ... or the beach.
  • National Selfie Day: Why not take a selfie at the beach?
  • Go Skateboarding Day: Be sure and bring your skateboard.
  • National Smoothie Day: Enjoy a smoothie in the summer heat.
  • National Daylight Appreciation Day: Enjoy all that daylight fun!

Want to have a winning summer? Then avoid these “summer fails.” According to a new survey by Maui Jim sunglasses, the average American will experience 104 “summer fails” in just one month this summer.

Top 10 Most Common “Summer Fails”:

  1. Watching too much TV
  2. Not wearing a hat in the sun
  3. Not sleeping enough
  4. Not reapplying sunscreen as necessary
  5. Sitting all day
  6. Skipping the eye cream
  7. Staring at your phone all day
  8. Being too active outside
  9. Wearing tight, dark colored clothing
  10. Drinking too many cocktails/beer (SWNS)

What would you say is the optimum amount of living space for couples? According to a new survey, 1,800 square feet or more of living space resulted in higher levels of relationship satisfaction, compared to those who lived together in tighter spaces. So … space over location?(Pure Wow)

Just in time for Take Your Dog to Work Day… A new survey has found that 39% of respondents say they have taken the day off from work just so they can hang out with their pets, and 27% say they choose to work from home just so they can be with their furry friend. (The Ladders)

Hangover popsicles… Pedialyte, everyone’s favorite unofficial hangover cure, is now selling popsicles. Yep, Pedialyte Freezer Pops are available in four flavors: blue raspberry, grape, orange and cherry. Here’s to keeping cool and hangover free this summer! (Delish)


Three years ago, a bunch of scientists started working together to hunt for signs of alien life.

They checked out more than 1,300 stars close to earth. And… No dice.

If there are extra-terrestrials out there, they either aren’t trying to reach us with their radios or we don’t have our radios set to the right frequency. (Fox News)

What’s Your Biggest Complaint About Your Partner?

According to a recent surveyof therapists and counselors, the biggest complaints wives have about their husbands include: not listening, not understanding how hard she works and wanting sex all the time.


Lawmakers in North Carolina and Rhode Island are working on passing bills that would require high school students to take classes about money and budgeting. Right now, only 19 states have such requirements. (The News & Observer)


According to a new survey, the number one reason people are interested in smoking weed is something other than getting high. For real.

Instead, the biggest reason is, supposedly, chronic pain management.

Here’s a rundown of the top five:

  1. Treatment of chronic pain – 85%
  2. Mental-health improvement – 82%
  3. Treatment of minor injuries – 81%
  4. Sleep aid – 77%
  5. relaxation – 74%

Other notable reasons include “having a good time with friends and family” at 48 percent and “enhancement of spirituality” at 28 percent.

The survey also found that 65 percent of Americans now consider smoking marijuana to be morally acceptable. (MarketWatch)

Aight... gotta run and do some THANGS... but I'll be back with more... refresh this space often, k?!



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