Video: Ogopogo Caught on Film?

A man in British Columbia believes that he has captured footage of Canada's legendary lake monster known as Ogopogo. Jim La Rocque was reportedly visiting Skaha Lake with his family earlier this month when he spotted a strange disturbance on the water and heard a weird swooshing sound. Amazed by what he was seeing, the astounded witness whipped out his cell phone to film the odd scene as it unfolded.

La Rocque's video appears to show some kind of ripple on the water which, depending on one's perspective, resembles either a wave or a series of humps. For his part, the witness is firmly in the lake monster camp, declaring that "this is, in my opinion, a definitive Ogopogo sighting." La Rocque's opinion was likely shaped, in part, by his son's experience being in the water at the time of the sighting and purportedly seeing a "flipper come out of the water."

Check out the video and find out what an Ogopogo expert thinks of the footage at the Coast to Coast AM website.

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