Work burn out is REAL. It's more than being stressed out.

Remember when you LOVED what you did? No matter how crazy your passion could pull you through.

But now... it's like walking uphill, in mud, with no pay off. That sounds like burn out. And it's pretty harmful to your mental and physical help.

Are you always tired?

Are you barely "there" during the work day?

Do you feel like no one listens to you or values your opinion at work?

Has your work slipped?

Always feeling sick?

These are signs of BURN OUT.

Now, how do you fix it?

Slow down, write it down, readdress, and make a plan to change your current situation.

Read this great article from HuffPost for more. ***CLICK HERE*** ***CLICK HERE*** ***CLICK HERE***

Make yourself a priority. You boss won't.

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