Mother Duck Parades Her Ducklings Through Hospital In Cutest Photos EVER


Could you imagine, you're just at work one day and suddenly... here comes a mother duck and her ducklings, parading through the hallways?

Well, for one hospital, this actually happens every single year.

University of Rochester‘s Thompson Health hospital in Canandaigua, New York shared some adorable duckling photos to their Facebook page just last week documenting the annual march of the mama duck and her ducklings, explaining why this happens every year:

“Every year, without fail, a mama duck chooses one of the enclosed courtyards at our M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center to lay her eggs and take care of her babies. She lets us know when she’s ready to go by tapping on the glass, and this morning, it was time for this annual rite of spring.”

The adorable Facebook post includes a photo of a patient who is clearly happy seeing the cute ducks. It shows the patient with two of the hospital workers with the caption:

"CNA Mollie Dey, left, and Wilma Gibson, center, joined Willard outside to see the ducks off."

There's something just so pure to everything about this. From a mama duck picking their courtyard to lay her eggs, to the tapping on the window to let them know it's time, to the entire hospital working together to give the mama a safe path to lead her ducklings through.

This year the mama duck had THIRTEEN ducklings to lead through the hospital, where one of the workers joked that she has the staff "trained."

Since the duck follows the same path every year, the hospital staff have found the perfect way to assuring the ducklings follow their mama to safety: use old signage to gently guide them down the halls.

Have you ever seen ANYTHING like this?!

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Photo: Getty Images

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