Randoms-More saying No to Lovin' & Yes to Netflix, Traffic turns us Ugly

Streaming over sex …A new survey found that 25% of respondents said in the last 6 months they have turned down sex in favor of watching Netflix. (Best Life)

Was your vacationah-mazing? You’re probably lying. A new survey by flight-comparison site Jet Cost found that a lot of people fib how great their vacations are. In fact, two-thirds of survey respondents confessed that they misrepresented how great their last trip was, especially when it came to the weather, where they stayed, and the things they did and saw.

Why the vacation lying? Social media. People feel pressure to show what a great life they’re having – and that includes their vacations. According to survey respondents, they lied because they wanted to impress people by appearing well-traveled and worldly.

Survey respondents also revealed that they lied about how much alcohol they drank, how much money they spent, and even how much they enjoyed the vacation overall. 10% admitted to posting a fake photo to make their trip seem more glamorous and exciting. (Travel+Leisure)

Waste not, want not …According to the Natural Resources Defense Council, the average American throws out 400 pounds of food every year. That’s not per household … that’s per person. (Women’s Health)

Blame it on traffic …According to a new study from Valvoline, traffic makes us late to work an average of 77 days a year. And we spend 152 hours – or 19 full work days -- a year stuck in traffic. If your commute is longer than the average of 35 minutes, both those numbers go up.

How much does you commute affect your day? 68% of people say the whole day can be ruined by a bad commute to work. (NY Post)

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