Amber Stevens West Talks About The Strangest Place She Has Changed A Diaper

Ah, motherhood. In the past year (yes, it's almost been a full year!!), I have found myself in some situations I never would expected myself to be in.

Like, getting vomit all over myself before walking into a bridal shower. Or finding dirty diapers in my car days after I forgot to take them out over the weekend. Or, honestly, the blow outs that used to happen when they were really little.

And for Amber Stevens West, she totally gets how strange things get.

Amber recently chatted about the strange places she has found herself changing diapers on PEOPLE's Celeb Parents Get Real segment and her comments will make fellow moms absolutely LOL.

“Once you have a baby, you realize how many places do not have changing tables for you and you just gotta improvise."

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Amber says the most "inappropriate" place she has changed a diaper was... in a cafe, in front of evvvveryone in that cafe.

And honestly? I've been there. Michael and I took the twins to an engagement celebration when they were really little, and the bathroom didn't have any changing tables! So what was I supposed to do? We tried to pull them to a side table to change them but we really didn't have any other option!

Amber continued:

“The bathroom there didn’t have anything. I’m not about to put my baby on the floor... You do what you gotta do, you just gotta do it fast.”

All for it. Sometimes your car is just too far away to make sense and you gotta do what you gotta do.

Amber and her husband Andrew J. West welcomed their daughter Ava Laverne last October.

Amber admitted she was afraid of not being "in tune" with her daughter, but feels now that the two are "in sync."

“That was a big concern of mine when I was pregnant, that I wouldn’t be able to understand what my baby needed. But I think I’m following my intuition pretty well and we’re very much in sync."

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