Randoms-Top Reason Why Men Don't Propose, Biggest Money Worry

What is your biggest money worry? According to a new survey, for most Americans, it’s being able to save enough for retirement. Maybe that’s why more people are saving than spending. The same survey found that most people describe themselves as savers (56%) rather than spenders (40%).(Survey Monkey)

Speaking of money … Seems lots of men don’t believe the gender pay gap is real. Even though research shows that a woman make 81 cents to a man’s dollar, nearly half of men surveyed said they think the pay gap doesn’t exist. 46 percent of male respondents said they think the gender pay gap is “made up to serve a political purpose.” 31 percent of men think media coverage of the page gap as “overblown,” and 21 percent called it “fake news.” (The Ladders)

And even more about money … A new study from Yale and Oxford found that exercise will make you happier than money. In fact, researchers found that people who exercise feel just as good as people who don’t exercise – but make around $25,000 more a year. Basically, you need a whole lot of money to make you feel as good as exercise does.(Insider)

And, yes, money again … A new survey has revealed the top reasons men haven’t proposed yet.You guessed it – money. 27 percent of men said their current income was preventing them from proposing. 26 percent said their debt was stopping them from getting engaged. 17 percent said their partner’s debt had them putting on the brakes. And another 17 percent said the cost of the wedding was keeping them from popping the question. Can’t really blame them on that one. According to aBrideswedding study, the average wedding costs $44,000.

The survey also found that 50 percent of men said finding the perfect ring was a major source of stress, and 40 percent of guys said their partner’s expectations were too high when it came to a ring. (Cosmo)

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