Randoms-Wallets a thing of the Past, Eating Mushrooms Improves Memory

Separate honeymoons? The latest trend in wedding planning is apparently newlyweds taking separate honeymoons. They’re being dubbed “solomoons” or “unimoons,” and, of course the biggest question is ... WHY? Seems conflicting schedules and demanding jobs, as well as more independent outlook on the institution of marriage and, in some cases, simply being unable to agree on a honeymoon destination has more and more newly married couples choosing to spend that first trip as husband and wife – apart! (NY Times)

What would you do if you had extra on your hands? According to the results of survey of employees in the U.S., Australia, Canada, France, Germany, India, Mexico, and the UK, here are the Top 5 things people would do if they had more free time:

  1. Spend time with family -- 44%
  2. Travel -- 43%
  3. Exercise -- 33%
  4. Spend time with friends -- 30%
  5. Pursue hobbies -- 29%

More survey findings … 27% of respondents said they would sleep more if they had extra time. Interestingly, workers in the U.S. said they wanted more sleep (33%) than any other country surveyed. (The Ladders)

Bring on the ’shrooms! A new study has found that eating two servings of mushrooms a week may reduce the risk of cognitive decline as you age. (NUS News)

Sober dating made easier …Loosid is a dating app for nondrinkers that helps you meet other sober singles. It even provides alcohol-free ideas for sober dating. (Ask Men)

Is the wallet dying? Apple Pay and Google Pay and the like are pretty much everywhere these days. And digital IDs are becoming more common. So do you need to have anything other than your phone when you’re out? Maybe not. A new survey found 45 percent of respondents think wallets will be obsolete in five years or less. (USA Today)

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