Early Birds See These Benefits... So You Might Want To Get Up

Are you a morning person or a night owl? I'm forced to be a morning person because of my job and my kids who wake me up on the weekends... but after reading this recent study, I'm very happy to be a morning person.

Basically, the study says those who wake up earlier rather than staying up later are more likely to make more money, sleep better at night aaaand have more sex.

Hey, it's not me talking, it's science!

The survey of 2,000 Americans, who were split evenly between those who claim to be early birds and those who are night owls, found that early birds have more sex per week, on average than their late-night counterparts.

Maybe it's because they feel like they have more hours in the day and get things done earlier in order to get it... on... later in the day.

Another big difference? Night owls were found in the study to be shy and sarcastic, more likely to use Instagram and to believe in ghosts and cryptids. They were also more likely to be single.

Early birds, on the other hand, were more likely to be married and have children living in the house. I mean! I'm proof of that!

Another reason I'm happy to be an early bird is that they are likely earn more money. Surprisingly, early birds were more likely to report being late to work. What are they doing in the mornings?!

Last but not least, early birds in the study were 10 percent more likely to identify themselves as happy, while night owls identified themselves more strongly as loyal.

So there you have it. There are pros and cons on both sides... but I think being an early bird is definitely more pro than con!

So night owls, teach yourself to go to bed earlier, would you?

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Photo: Getty Images

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