Randoms-Superbowl First, Workplace where Workers Drink the Most, & More!

Super Bowl first … The LA Rams spirit squad will make history on Sunday when their two male cheerleaders, Quinton Peron and Napoleon Jinnies -- the first male cheerleaders in the NFL -- make their debut as the first men to cheer at the Super Bowl. ( Atlanta Journal Constitution )

Can you guess the industry where workers drink the most? We’re looking at you, Silicon Valley. According to a new survey , these are the Top 5 industries that allow or sponsor drinking the most:

  1. Technology
  2. Construction
  3. Marketing
  4. Arts, Entertainment and Recreation
  5. Information Services and Data Processing ( The Ladders )

Who do you love more, your pup or your partner? For a lot of people, it’s puppy love above all others. A new survey by dog food brand Ollie found that 42 percent of respondents who are in a serious relationship or married say they love their dog more than their partner. The same survey also found that 70 percent of singles consider it a turn-on when an online dating profile picture includes a dog. So, maybe a future partner is OK with being loved second to your dog … ( Cosmo )

Bring back childhood fun … Are you bored a lot? According to a new survey, the average American adult is bored about 131 days a year. Yep, the average respondent spends about a third of the year bored, unengaged and not having any fun. The survey found that 60 percent of adults believe their life is too “grown-up” and 73 percent miss the fun, carefree days of their childhood. What are some of the things they miss? 52 percent said having no responsibilities, 50 percent said spending time with friends, and 25 percent missed birthday parties. ( SWNS )

It doesn’t take that much to be “rich” … According to a new survey, most people believe that it takes a yearly salary of $100,000 to be considered “rich.” The survey also found that most people think being in the middle class requires a salary between $40,000 and $80,000. ( The Ladders )

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