Step Away From The Cookie Dough

With the peak of the holiday season rapidly approaching, Instagram-ers and Pinterest-ers across the land are being inspired daily to take on some DIY baking. From sugar cookies to snickerdoodles, croissants to dinner rolls, and everything in between, taking on chemistry related tasks are really not for everyone...but if you must, remember to heed all warnings and directions. Especially those that come from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

As appetizing as that sweaty, mushy, raw cookie dough looks, DO NOT put it in your mouth! The CDC is using the winter season as a reminder to all that consuming products that contain raw eggs and flour can pose some serious health risks. 

We shouldn't have to discuss why you shouldn't be eating raw eggs, but who ever thought that flour was a threat? The CDC says that because flour is typically used as a raw agricultural product, it isn't treated for germs and bacteria that can cause E. coli. Apparently, flour can even be contaminated while its still growing out in the field! 

So stay away from that raw dough! As tasty as it looks, it can really ruin your holiday.

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