Randoms-Love Life Determined by Mom, Thanksgiving Made Easier by Amazon

Wish you could erase your ex from all your photos? Well now you can. An app called Krome uses artificial intelligence and a team of photo editors to seamlessly remove your ex from your favorite photos. All you have to do is upload the photos you want edited and select the level of editing you want. Depending on the level of editing you choose it will cost between $3 and $12 per photo. But, really, that’s a bargain -- because now you can proudly display photos of your sister’s wedding without your ex in every family photo! (Cosmo

Your love life is determined … by your mother. According to a new study from Ohio State, children tend to have the same number of romantic partners that their mother had – whether they were around for those relationships or not. Basically, a mom’s attitude toward love and relationships has a big influence on her children. According to researchers, dads did not have the same impact. (Daily Mail

We’ve all heard about the problems of spending too much time on social media, but what’s the “right” amount of time we should be spending on social media? According to a new study from the University of Pennsylvania, 30 minutes a day. The study found that when participants cut their their social media use to just 30 minutes per day, they experienced a “significant improvement in well-being,” felt less lonely and depressed, and had decreased levels of anxiety and FOMO [Fear of Missing Out]. (Huffington Post

This just made Thanksgiving easier … especially if you forgot something you needed from the grocery store. If you’re an Amazon Prime member, Amazon will deliver Whole Foods groceries to you in an hour or less on Thanksgiving Day – up until 2 p.m. (Daily Meal

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