It's World Kindness Day!!

Today is World Kindness Day and you know what that means? YOU HAVE TO BE NICE (as you should be every other day of the year!)

The Random Acts of Kindness website offers a bunch of ways that you can spread kindness! Here's a list of "7 ways to start making kindness the norm in your daily life:"

1. Send an uplifting text a friend or family member

2. Let that person merge into traffic with a wave and smile

3. Include intentional moments of kindness, laughter and delight in your daily routine

4. Go slightly out of your comfort zone at least once a day to make someone smile

5. Share a compliment with a co-worker or friend

6. Reach out to a family member you haven't spoken to in awhile

7. Treat someone to a cup of coffee (a friend, stranger, or even yourself)

You already know that I had to include Shawn Mendes in a Harry Styles "Treat People With Kindness" shirt!

Ok, now go out there and be NICE (today and everyday!)

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