Halloween Michael Myers Fun Facts

Have you seen the new "Halloween" movie yet? It takes place 40 years after the first premiered. Wow - 40 years! Here's some fun facts behind this iconic movie series that you may never have known!

1. "Halloween" takes place in the town of Haddenfield, Illinois but was actually filmed in Los Angeles so if you look closely in the background among the artificial autumn leaves, you can spot a few palm trees.

2. The movie was originally going to be called "The Babysitter Murders."

3. The movie grossed $47 million while the film's budget was $300,000.

4. The original Michael Myers mask was a Captain Kirk (Startrek) mask, with a new paint job.

5. John Carpenter wanted Christopher Lee to play the role of Dr. Sam Loomis but couldn't afford him. Lee has been quoted as saying not doing this movie was one of the biggest mistakes of his career.

6. Michael Myers is credited at the end of the movie as "The Shape," because Carpenter wanted the audience to never be able to relate to Michael.

7. Four different actors played adult Michael Myers in the original movie.

8. John Carpenter was paid $10,000 to write and direct the original film.

9. This was Jamie Lee Curtis's debut big screen role and her real-life mother is Janet Leigh, who was famous from the shower scene in Hitchcock's "Psycho."

10. Michael Myers was named after the distributor of his previous film "Assault on Precinct 13" as a thank you for the movie doing so well in Europe.

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