Home Remedy For Skin Tags

This may be an embarrassing topic to talk about but hey! It’s just me. I don’t judge and I consider you family :-)

Have you ever had a skin tag? It’s something that occasionally happens to plenty of people. Some may choose to go to a doctor to have it ‘professionally’ removed but I’m here to tell you about a natural home remedy you can pretty much swear by:

Apple cider vinegar. Yup – that’s it.

Simply soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and place over the skin tag with a bandaid. Let it soak on there for about 15 to 30 minutes and then remove the bandaid and cotton ball, then wash the area you were covering. It’s not an instant rememdy because it takes a couple of weeks of doing this every single day – but don’t be tempted to skip!

The acid in the apple cider vinegar breaks down tissue that’s surrounding the skin tag and eventually it will basically just fall off.

There’s something to be said about old wives' tales!

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