Latest Reports Say Beer Shortage Possible Due To Global Warming

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions about global warming, but there is one report that is really stirring things up in the conversation: Global warming may be threatening the production of beer.

A new study posted by Nature Plants is saying that we better be careful with our beer supply, because extreme drought and heat will lead to a beer shortage. Great.

The extreme weather conditions we are currently experiencing are expected to lead to a "sharp decline" in barley crops, which is the primary component of beer.

Steven Davis, UCI associate professor of Earth system science said of the new study:

"The world is facing many life-threatening impacts of climate change, so people having to spend a bit more to drink beer may seem trivial by comparison... But there is definitely a cross-cultural appeal to beer, and not having a cool pint at the end of an increasingly common hot day just adds insult to injury."

In some countries, the cost of beer has already risen, and it is expected to continue going up.

As the study states, "beer is the most popular alcoholic beverage in the world by volume," sooo people are definitely paying attention to their beloved drink of choice being in danger.

Beer prices could skyrocket up to $20 for just a 6-pack, which is just one of the ways that scientists are trying to illustrate to people that the climate change really will change their day-to-day lives.

With the expected decrease of barley, a serious issue other than beer loss...  since only 17 percent of barley is used for alcoholic consumption, the other majority is used as feed for livestock. So with less barley available, a huge question comes up: is the barley we do have used for feed for animals or thirsty humans?

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