Tour Haunted Eloise Psychiatric Hospital in Westland, MI

Have you ever driven by Eloise Asylum in Westland and gotten a chill? It was built in the 1830s and shutdown since the early 1980s. It's joined by a cemetary that holds over 7,000 graves. Some people say the property and buildings are haunted. I have friends who honestly believe they've seen ghosts near the edge of the land.

Soon the Eloise complext will be redeveloped BUT ... there's a way for you to see inside before then to see if you experience any shadows or hear any moans or screams that have been documented.

Detroit Paranormal Expeditions is hosting Eloise tours starting later this month and into October. Tickets for booked tours sell quickly and cost $65 a piece for ages 18 and older. A portion of the proceeds will benefit Gleaners and the Spina Bifida Association.

Sounds fantastically spooky! Find out more below ...

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