Should I Sage My House?

If you've ever bought and moved into a new home, you've most likely had someone tell you that you just HAVE to sage the house before you really settle in.

My husband and I bought our first home and moved in almost a FULL year ago... and at the time that we moved in, someone gave us sage to cleanse the house and clear any "bad spirits" from it.

But now it's been a year and I just never really got around to doing the whole sage thing and I'm wondering, is it too late? Plus, we don't really seem to have any bad juju in the house... so would using the sage actually give the bag spirits an opening? I don't know the answers, so I turned to Google to help give me the answers I don't have. gave me some information about where the practice of using sage to cleanse a home came from: “There’s a long history of Native Americans using sage to connect to the spirit world and cleanse the body and space of impurities before a ceremony... The life force energy of its smoke penetrates deep into the ether and alters the vibration of a space, or living being, by absorbing any heavy, dense energy.” 

And it turns out that all homes can benefit from sage, even if the house isn't new! You can use the sage at any point, especially during spring cleaning or any time that you are moving things around or organizing the home.

My question now is, can I smudge the house and have the twins there that next night? Will it smell terrible or bother them at all? The last thing I want is to smudge the house and then have fussy babies at home.

Anyone had advice on this?

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