Randoms-You Spend more on Drunk Shopping w/ this Beverage

Forget the scale and bathroom selfie … now you can really see your fitness progress by looking in the mirror and getting a 3D scan of your body. A company called Naked Labs makes a full-length mirror that is lined with 3-D cameras to capture a 360-degree image of your body. It can be yours for $1,400. Yay? (Wired

Blame it on the gin … If you’re prone to buzzed online shopping, you may want to stay away from those gin and tonics. A survey has found that people who drink gin spend more money while drunk-shopping online than those who drink other kinds of booze. Gin drinkers spent an average of $82.40 on their tipsy purchases. Next were rum drinkers ($53.88), vodka drinkers ($50.50), white wine drinkers ($46.07) and red wine drinkers ($42.03). Whiskey drinkers spent the least amount during their buzzed shopping binges, at $38.84. (The Daily Meal

So what makes the perfect travel companion? A new survey found that curiosity is the trait people look for most in their travel companions. 64 percent of survey respondents described the perfect travel companion as someone who is curious. 65 percent say their significant other is the best travel partner for new experiences. 25 percent said they prefer to travel alone. (Travel & Leisure)

Talk About It:

  • Are you more adventurous and curious when it comes to travel than your partner? How different are your ideas of a vacation? Does this cause problems? Do you travel separately because of it?

Everyone hates meetings … According to a new survey, employees say at least 25 percent of their time spent in meetings is wasted. Here are workers’ biggest complaints about those dreaded meetings:

  • “Starts or ends late” -- 66%
  • “It’s unnecessary (e.g., could’ve been handled over email)” -- 63%
  • “Too much or not enough time allotted” -- 57%
  • “Attendees distracted (using a phone, checking email, doodling, etc.) -- 57%
  • “Attendees interrupt each other” -- 55%
  • “Not sticking to an agenda when one is provided” -- 49%
  • “Attendees unprepared” -- 47% (The Ladders)

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