Randoms-Time of Day You're Happiest, 6 Figure Incomes Not Enough

People born in the '80s are struggling … According to number-crunchers at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, people born in the 1980s are more broke than anyone. It seems those born in the '80s have accumulated -- on average -- 34 percent less money than earlier generations at the same age. Don't worry, though … If you were born in the '80s, there are plenty of years to catch up and accumulate wealth. Unless you just want to sit around and wait for some inheritance. (Esquire)


People not taking Netflix recommendations … While streaming video services like Netflix and Hulu invest big bucks to improve their ability to recommend stuff for users to watch, a new survey has found that people aren't really following those recommendations. Only 29 percent of those who subscribe to streaming services actually watch stuff the service recommends. (TechCrunch)


Six figures is low income in San Francisco … The Department of Housing and Urban Development has just revamped income limits in San Francisco, San Mateo and Marin counties so that a family of four earning $117,400 a year now qualifies as "low income." If you make $73,300 a year, that's considered "very low income." (San Francisco Chronicle


Can you guess what time of day workers are happiest? According to a new study, that time is 3:25 p.m. Researchers found that people will experience eight happy moments and five low points during an average work day. Among those happy moments are waking up after a great night’s sleep, getting appreciation from the boss, receiving a compliment from a client or customer and walking through the door after work. Low points include long and boring meetings, over-eating and regretting it, and getting stuck in traffic. (Independent)

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