Thrift Store Employee finds $36,000 Cash In Box

Workers at a Santa Monica thrift shop tracked down a man who donated his Mother's doll collection that he miraculously forgot that $36,000 was stashed with.

I'm sorry guys but I don't think I would be able to call that man up. I'd be on Rodeo Drive getting my retail therapy on.

An employee found all of the dinero, about $36,000, and returned the stash to the donor.

I guess this is a somewhat regular thing with thrift shops though. A worker at another thrift shop in Texas, made a similar discovery last year when she was going through the pockets of a black pea coat and discovered $17,500 cash. Once again, The workers were able to contact the donor, a 78-year-old widow , who came back to pick up the money. I'd be crying on the inside if I worked there.

I think I might have to pack up my bags at the station and start being a traveling thrift shop worker. It seems like people "forgetting" all this money happens on a regular basis!

What would you do if you found 36 Grand in a coat at a thrift store?

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