Republicans At It Again! How it Effects Michigan!

The legislature in Lancing Michigan has pulled funds from its Family- Planning organization budgets such as Planned Parenthood. This decision has finished the conversation whether or not abortions should be preformed at these clinics. 

Where do the republicans come in? Well, The American Health Care Act was the    Republican's healthcare bill that was set in place to repeal and replace Obamacare. The goal of the American Health Care Act has been to rid Planned Parent Hood and other Family- Planning organizations of their abilities to preform abortions.  

Last month this bill did not have enough votes to pass through the legislature but because of Vice President Mike Pence, his vote was the tie-breaking vote to pass this bill that was later signed by President Trump.

According to, "The Congressional Budget Office estimated the impact of the effort to defund Planned Parenthood through the ACA repeal bill, projecting that 15 percent of people in areas served primarily by the group and affiliated clinics would lose access to “services that help women avert pregnancies.” Now it hitting us home at Michigan!

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