Ed Sheeran's 2nd Wax Figure Is Scary Accurate

Is Ed Sheeran looking a bit off to you? Well, don't worry it's not the real Ed Sheeran it's only a wax figure. This doppelgänger of everyone's favorite ginger seems scary close to the real Ed. 

This new figurine was unveiled at a cat café in London. I'm sure that the cats are going to get a kick out of the new addition.

Not all of the wax-terpieces turn out as good as this one. Let's take a look at some of those creepy creations.


All the people with a problem with this now put your hands up! Beyoncé has so many wax recreations of herself out there it's tough to keep count. This one definitely stands out from the rest of them, but for a reason. Does Queen B look a bit...pale to you?

Britney Spears

Oops they did it again! How can anyone do Britney dirty like this? She looks like a midwestern potato. What's even worse it that this isn't even the worst wax figure of our girl Britney.

WHAT. IS. THIS. CREATURE?!?!?! This in no way captures the beauty of Britney, but we can try to respect their creativity.

Jennifer Lopez

This one isn't TOO bad. If you told me this was J-Lo I would definitely be able to tell. She just looks too...angry? The creators were trying to go for a sultry look for our girl from the Bronx. It just didn't work out too well. No matter what her wax figure looks like though, she's still Jenny from the block.

Chris Hemsworth

Who let this blonde hobo wear the Thor costume?!? As both a big Marvel and Chris Hemsworth fan I am personally offended by this. Whoever created this picked Chris Hemsworth's absolute worst hairstyle. Also, they made him look like a sad Ken doll. HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT HIM IN THIS WAY?!?!

Justin Bieber

Oh baby! I didn't know Ellen Degeneres was a brunette!!! This wax figure of Bieber just looks plain wrong. 

Kim Kardashian-West

And finally the best of the worst...Kim's cross-eyed wax figure. The Kim figure def has the Kardashian power pose down, but the eighties hair that she has leaves something to be desired. 

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