The Randoms-How Many TRUE Friends do you Really Have & More

Women know their wine … A new study found that women are better wine tasters than men. The reason? Men are too emotional. No, really. Seems men had stronger emotional responses to the wines they tasted, while women were better at noting the differences between types of wine. Some studies have suggested that women have a better sense of smell than men – which could enhance their ability to taste wine. Or, it could just be that women drink more wine. According to a report from 2016, women consume 57 percent of all wine bottles sold in the U.S. (The Daily Meal)


Money in the bank … According to a retirement expert, you should have twice your annual salary saved by the age of 35. So, how ya doing with that? FYI: A survey found that 66 percent of Millennials admit they have no retirement savings. (Independent)


How many true friends do you have? You may have hundreds of "friends" on social media, but how many friends can you count on when you need them? According to a new study, the average person has five good friends. How about you? How many real friends do you have? (SWNS Digital)


The dog knows … A study commissioned by dog walking service Wag found that when it comes to dating, people trust their dogs to pick a partner. The research found that four out of five dog owners say their dog's reaction to a potential partner influences their decision of whether or not to date them. And 86 percent of dog owners say they would break up with someone who wasn't into their dog.

More results:

  • 30 percent of dog owners say they have used their dog to attract a potential partner.
  • 60 percent say they have been flirted with while walking their dog.
  • 73 percent of dog owners say they are more likely to swipe right on someone's profile pic if it includes their dog.
  • 78 percent are more likely to go home with someone if they also have a dog.
  • 16 percent of married dog owners say they would choose to celebrate their dog’s birthday over their spouse's. (SWNS Digital)


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