Drunk People Are Better at Creative Problem Solving

I keep trying to tell people that drinking in moderation is kinda good for you. I feel like I'm a better person after drinking a little something something, if you know what I mean. (I know that probably doesn't make sense, just follow me for a second...) Well apparently there is science that backs up my theory. 

Professor Andrew Jarosz of Mississippi State University served vodka-cranberry cocktails to 20 male subjects until their blood alcohol reached legal intoxication (here's the plot twist) and then they gave them a series of word associations problems to solve. Not only did those who were involved give more correct answers than a sober control group performing the same task, but they also arrived at solutions more quickly. The conclusion: drunk people are better at creative problem solving.

Shocking, right?!?

I'm thinking people should drink more at work, i'm sure it would be more productive, right?!?!

What do you think?

More drinks at work? Or Nah?!

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