Shawn Mendes Performs LIVE in London

Pop superstar and one of our favs, Shawn Mendes heads over seas to hit the BBC's Radio 1 for an amazing session. Songs performed included, "In My Blood" and "Lost In Japan" as a part of their "Sounds Like Friday Night" series. The series is set in a pretty dope studio allowing fans to get an intimate concert from their favorite artists. With his album on the horizon, and a SMASH single that's in heavy rotation, Shawn played for a room full of obvious soldiers of the #MendesArmy. 

Check out his performance of "In My Blood"

You may or may not know that he is nominated for quite a few Billboard Music Awards. With the show set to air later this Summer, Live from Las Vegas, odds are he's gonna scoop up a few! Fans of the #SLFN session were also treated to a performance of (my favorite song of his so far) "Lost In Japan"

Peep it below πŸ‘‡πŸΎπŸ‘‡πŸΎπŸ‘‡πŸΎ

Of the THOUSANDS who have already seen the session from April 20th, the comments that have flooded the YouTube page are legit ALL POSITIVE. But, did you expect anything else?? 

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