[STUDY] Not Smiling Doesn't Make You Look Cooler.

Okay. I would always read stories that said that you shouldn't smile in pictures, because it will give you wrinkles... but I realized that most people don't smile in their pics, because they think it makes you look cooler...


According to a new study published in the Journal Of Consumer Psychology. The study which had tons of participants judge the coolness of models in ads found that “emotionally inexpressive” people didn’t seem cool, but cold.

I could totally see that. 

“There’s this belief that the way people become cool is by being inexpressive,” lead study author Caleb Warren, an assistant professor of marketing at the University of Arizona, told Moneyish. By way of example, he cites Kanye West, who told HuffPost in 2015that he doesn’t smile in photos because “it just wouldn’t look as cool.”

“The thought experiment that I like to use is, if you’re at the dinner table, being inexpressive isn’t cool,” Warren said. “But if you’re at the poker table, it is.”

So what does it mean to be "cool'? “it’s a positive and subjective trait that we perceive in people who we see as being autonomous in an appropriate way,” he said. “What that means is they are free to follow their own course and they do that without seeming like a jerk or a nuisance.”

Do you think not smiling in pictures makes you look cool or cold?!? 

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