Amanda Seyfried Shares Advice For Introducing Babies And Dogs

New moms who also have dogs know that there are a lot of rules and stress around introducing your baby to your fur baby... and for me I have TWO dogs and TWO babies to be introducing once the twins are here, so I'm open to any and all advice I can get.

And luckily, Amanda Seyfried is sharing the advice she got on introducing her baby girl and her dog when she first came back from the hospital, and it's something we alllll may need (whether you're pregnant now or planning for later!)

Amanda is vocal about how much she loves her 8-year-old rescue dog, Finn, so making a seamless transition of bringing baby home was definitely important to her.

The "really good advice" Amanda got from a friend?

“You just take the hat home from the hospital, the one that they put on the baby after it’s born, and then you bring the hat home for like a day or two before the baby comes home and you just leave it by the dog and let him sniff it... It was the best we could do. It was hard. It’s an interesting transition for everybody but it worked.”


This is exactly what my husband Michael and I were planning on doing with the twins and our dogs Gypsy and Dakota!

Amanda welcomed her daughter with husband Thomas Sadoski back in March 2017, so how are baby and Finn doing a year later from bringing that hat home from the hospital?

It sounds like the whole family is doing juuust fine. 

“He still won’t play with her, which is absolutely fine because he’s big and she’s tiny... We taught her ‘gentle’ since she was born and she always goes over and pats him, and she looks over at us, and pats him more.  And he lets her and sometimes he rolls over.”

So two things: bring home the baby's hat and teach the dogs "gentle" - NOTED!

How sweet is this?? I am actually really excited for my twins to grow up with dogs in the house!

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Photo: Getty Images

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