The Randoms: "Multi Screening" is Killing TV Watching

Multi-screening … A new British survey found a rise in something dubbed "multi-screening" -- which is using a handheld device while simultaneously watching a TV show. 60 percent of respondents said they frequently multi-screened, and 70 percent admitted that even though it affects their ability to focus on what they're watching on TV -- they continue to multi-screen. (The Sun)


Do you and your significant other argue about chores? According to a new study, the solution may be to hire someone to do them for you. It’s not cheap to have someone clean your house, but some couples are cutting back in other areas -- like dining out -- in order to hire someone to clean … and keep the peace in their relationship. (Bustle)


This is troubling … A recent survey revealed that 35 percent of American workers would give up their right to vote -- forever -- in exchange for an immediate 10 percent increase in their annual salary. And 9 percent said would give up their child's or future child's right to vote for a bump in pay. 40 percent said they would give up dental care for a 10 percent raise, and 19 percent said they would be willing to give up their health insurance for the next five years. And then there are the 12 percent who said they would dump their significant other for a raise. (Moneyish)


What's your biggest turn-off when you go to the home of someone you're dating for the first time? According to the first-date home impressions survey by, the biggest turn-offs for women are: 1) A pregnancy test in the trash; 2) If the person's roommate is their ex; and 3) If there are drugs or drug paraphernalia out in the open. For men, their three biggest turn-offs when going to a woman’s place for the first time are: 1) If their roommate is their ex; 2) A pregnancy test in the trash; and 3) Remnants of a previous relationship. The biggest turn-on? For both men and women surveyed, a home that smells nice is the biggest turn-on. Having a dog, a comfortable bed, and living alone were also turn-ons for both men and women.

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