Uh Oh … Are You Doing This In The Shower? Stop It!

There's nothing like a nice, long, hot shower. Apparently though, things that we do in there could actually be bad for our health!

I found this an interesting read:  Five things you should stop doing in the shower:

1.  Stop washing your face.  Even though it seems easier and it you think it saves time to wash your face when you're already in the shower, the water that you're usingis usually hotter than the water you use when washing your face at the sink, and the high temperature can make your skin dry out.

2.  Stop forgetting to wash your feet.  Really? Well I'm guilty. It's not enough to just let the water and soap run down your feet.  You should scrub them as well.

3.  Stop ignoring your loofah. Do you wash or replaceit regularly? I'm guilty of forgetting all about it until I use it the next time. Loofahs and sponges are breeding grounds for bacteria and need to be washed and air-dried regularly. They also say that they should be changed out at least a couple times a year.

4.  Stop leaving your razor in the shower.  Aw man! Just  like with your loofah, there are lots of nooks and crannies that make  perfect spots for bacteria to hide.  And when your razor is sitting in a  warm, wet environment in the shower each day, it's even WORSE.  

5.  Stop taking super-hot showers.  On cold mornings it may feel so right but it not only can dry out your skin,there's a lot of research out there that shows that taking COLD showers can actually be beneficial to your health. 

And did you know this? Even  a quick blast of cold water can potentially improve your immune  function, increase your metabolism, increase the amount of stress you  can tolerate, and possibly help you lose weight.Brrrrr!

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